Monday, November 29, 2010

Etched Wrinkles

The wrinkles etched into his skin outwardly portrayed the inner spirit of the hardworking soul that lay beneath.  Many years he had worked the land never complaining about the long tedious hours in the fiery hot sun that stripped the youth from his skin.  He had sacrificed these years slaving over the farmland that had been in his family for generations.  On his head he wore a dilapidated hat, dusty and thread barren but still useful, a reflection of the man himself.  With eyes like the Mediterranean ocean, he gazed out, contemplating all the beautiful but sometimes turbulent years which were a part of his past.  The depths of his eyes were only matched by the deep furrows that surrounded them.  His moustache matching the now grey color of his hair which at one time had been as black as the night itself. A simple man who loved the land and what it had to offer, although making his fingers bent and painful. The mystery of what lay ahead not a concern for him, as he lived every day with pleasure. Looking out with the experience of an old man but his heart still reflecting a young man.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Another Day In Paradise

Another Day In Paradise lyricsSongwriters: Collins, Phil;
She calls out to the man on the street
"Sir, can you help me?
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep
Is there somewhere you can tell me?"

He walks on, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
He starts to whistle as he crosses the street
She's embarrassed to be there

Oh, think twice, it's just another day for
For you and me in paradise
Oh, think twice, it's just another day
For you, you and me in paradise
Just think about it

She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she's been cryin'
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
She can't walk but she's tryin'

Oh, just think twice, it's just another day
For you and me in paradise
Oh, yes think twice, it's just another day
For you, you and me in paradise
Just think about it, just think about it

Oh Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do?
Oh Lord, there must be something you can say

You can tell by the lines on her face
You can see that she's been there
Probably been moved on from every place
'Cause she didn't fit in there

Oh, yes think twice, it's just another day
For you and me in paradise
Oh, yes think twice, it's just another day
For you, you and me in paradise
Just think about it, just think about it

It's just another day
For you and me in paradise
It's just another day
For you and me in paradise

It's just another day
For you and me in paradise
It's just another day
For you and me in paradise

It's just another day
For you and me
It's another day
For you and me

It's another day
For you and me in paradise
In paradise

"Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Collins exemplifies how everyday people pretend the homeless are non-existent in order to live the illusion of a perfect life.  In the song the line “he walks on, doesn’t look back, he pretends he can’t hear her” indicates how the homeless are ignored and minimized to avoid feeling their despair.  Imagery is very distinct in "Another Day in Paradise" with the line "she's got blisters on the soles of her feet, she can't walk but she's trying" which helps to clearly visualize the pain and suffering of the homeless. This song has parallel structure weaved throughout it saying "It's just another day For you and me" is reiterated throughout the song.  It is a metaphor comparing paradise with the dismal hard life of the homeless person.  The song reflects the theme of how people attempt to look past those struggling on the streets. "Another day in Paradise" impacts an individual’s thoughts and feelings toward the homeless in a profound way.  It reminds people not to judge the less fortunate, homeless person and to appreciate their own life circumstances.   Alliteration is evident in the song with the words "think twice" which very concisely sums up what the main message of the song is portraying: the message of not taking what you have for granted and being sympathetic to the despair of others.  "Oh-oh whoa lord" is an example of assonance that brings about a feeling of melancholy in the song. 
"Cause it's another day for you and me in paradise" is an excellent example of a hyperbole which is an extreme exaggeration of an average person’s life but accurately describes the difference between being homeless and that "perfect" life. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Super Human

I Tegan Graham am a super human.  College is only mere fraction of an accomplishment for me.  I scale the 828 m skyscraper in Dubai in 30 seconds flat.  I wiz across the 8851 km Great Wall of China in a matter of days.   Fighter pilot by day, Dog whisperer by night.    Everything you accomplish in a day I am already done by 6: oo am.  I don’t need a watch I always know the time. I am a NASCAR driver. I am a human computerI am the white Oprah Winfrey. Exhaustion does not faze me and sleep is not a requirement.  I invented knowledge.  I’m the board of directors for the iPod.  I’ve slam-dunked more basketballs than Steve Nash.  The Boston Marathon took me 25 minutes and that was with two bathroom breaks.  I’ve summited Mt. Everest more times than I can count.  Mother Nature is my friend.  Obama is my neighbour. Britney Spears is my aunt.  I can lift a 50lb dumbbell with my pinkie.  I can hear a pin drop.  I can count to 100 in 1,321 different languages and I can tie my shoes.  My genie has granted me unlimited wishes.  I’ve waddled with the penguins.  I’ve swung with the monkies.  I’ve talked with the Mynah birds.  I have shot a hole in one on the 8 km hole in South Africa.  For my next achievement I will discover the cure for cancer.  I will bring about world peace with my infinite wisdom.  There is no question whether or not you will admit me to your college.  You will be paying me to come to your school.  I Tegan Graham am a super human.       

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

See Jane Run

“Do you notice how we don’t talk anymore”............
     “Pardon,” Dick replied as he continued to glue his eyes to what Jane, his wife, considered to be the meaningless drool of the newspaper.
     “Don’t you see this is exactly what I mean; can you even tell me what I just said? she questioned.
Dick looked over at Jane and jokingly stated,   “Yes I heard you but I can do more than one thing at a time.”  He knew that he had better focus his full attention on Jane if he hoped to get some sleep tonight.
    “Well, it would be nice to have your full undivided attention for once.”
“Alright, here, I’ll fold up the newspaper and we can talk about what is on your mind.  It’s just that I enjoy knowing what is going on in the world”.  Dick proceeded to fold up the newspaper and turned to Jane, “there is that better”.
Encouraged by his full attention, Jane began “I’ve been thinking about changing careers and I wanted to know what you would think if I decided to go back to school. “
Dick responded immediately, “Wow, I can see why you wanted my undivided attention for this one.”
“It’s a huge decision”, Jane exclaimed, “but I want to use my literary skills and become a writer.  I see a fabulous future in it for us.”
“I think you should run with it then.”

Room for Improvement

The movie Of Mice and Men is a mediocre portrayal of the intensity of the novel and lacks details that are important to the development of the story.  The foreshadowing of many events that occur in the novel is not emphasized in the movie.  There is however one character that is outstanding in the movie.  Curly’s wife is what one would picture in their mind while reading through the novel.   Her brown locks flowing to her shoulders, the glistening white smile, and “the eye” that she gives the men on the ranch is exactly what is depicted in the novel and accurately represented by the actress.  She flirts with the guys on the ranch and is continuously seeking out a man to spend her time with.  While George is in the barn Curley’s wife wanders in to chat with the new man on the ranch.  In the movie she plays up her looks by twirling her hair and playing with her dress to try to entice him.  George and the other men are lured in by her when she talks about how lonely she is, and how she has no one to talk to.  Although George ultimately is able to resist her tempting offer to spend some time together talking, it is a struggle for him to ignore how beautiful she is and how much she is looking for another man to talk to.  The actress is definitely a beautiful lady and her depiction of the character is what gave the movie some interest.  This movie receives 3 out of 5 stars.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Unlucky at cards, lucky in love

"Oh Molly you’re as slow as molasses," George grumbled as he tugged the horse into her stable.
   "While aren't you a feast for the eyes."  George whipped his head around only to spot the apple of [his] eye.  She was sauntering towards him with her shoulder length brunette locks swaying from side to side.  At this moment, George discovered he was falling head over heels for another man's wife.  "Curley's out for the evenin'," she informed George.  The woman was none other than his boss' son's wife.  George knew he would be in hot water if Curley ever caught wind of what was yet to come, but he was content to take the risk.  She was wearing her little black dress and George thought that she was far hotter than Georgia asphalt.
George was so taken aback by her piercing beauty that he failed to answer her proceeding questions.  She was getting frustrated with his lack of response and decided to give him a taste of [his] own medicine.  George finally spoke up and used the ace up his sleeve.
   "At the drop of a hat, I’d tie the knot with you," revealed George.  "It ain't gonna be no shotgun wedding, because our love is blind an no man is gonna force us into this marriage.  Love conquers all, an we'll live happily ever after," exclaimed George. 
     “Let’s not let this opportunity slip through our fingers,” she giggled and the two of them strolled off into the sunset hand in hand to spend the rest of their lives together.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Money does grow on trees

In this overindulged society we live in today money is a sign of power and authority.  The ultimate superpower that I would choose would be the power to produce unlimited money.  Contrary to the cliché that says "money doesn't buy happiness" I feel I could use this power not only to assist myself but also benefit the countless countries overwhelmed by impoverished and uneducated people.  The Haitians struggling to rebuild their lives would be able to breathe easy knowing that the money I produced would be used to help them create a better world for themselves.  Just as the cardboard boxes and building entrances are homes to hundreds of Vancouver citizens who have lost their way throughout the years, my unlimited resources would be used to help all peoples alike. With the money, I would provide, affordable housing would be achievable as well as funding towards education to improve their life circumstances.  Depleted food stocks at local food banks would be ancient history, my monthly abundant grocery donations would make their selves over flowing.  Schools in every country would be flooded with resources and people would learn to help themselves and others. Creating a better world with my superpower one person at a time, would improve life circumstances for all mankind.