Tuesday, November 2, 2010

See Jane Run

“Do you notice how we don’t talk anymore”............
     “Pardon,” Dick replied as he continued to glue his eyes to what Jane, his wife, considered to be the meaningless drool of the newspaper.
     “Don’t you see this is exactly what I mean; can you even tell me what I just said? she questioned.
Dick looked over at Jane and jokingly stated,   “Yes I heard you but I can do more than one thing at a time.”  He knew that he had better focus his full attention on Jane if he hoped to get some sleep tonight.
    “Well, it would be nice to have your full undivided attention for once.”
“Alright, here, I’ll fold up the newspaper and we can talk about what is on your mind.  It’s just that I enjoy knowing what is going on in the world”.  Dick proceeded to fold up the newspaper and turned to Jane, “there is that better”.
Encouraged by his full attention, Jane began “I’ve been thinking about changing careers and I wanted to know what you would think if I decided to go back to school. “
Dick responded immediately, “Wow, I can see why you wanted my undivided attention for this one.”
“It’s a huge decision”, Jane exclaimed, “but I want to use my literary skills and become a writer.  I see a fabulous future in it for us.”
“I think you should run with it then.”

1 comment:

  1. Well done, all assignments complete. Sufficient detail for each. Writing is very well polished - very few mechanical errors. 46/48
