Sunday, October 31, 2010

Unlucky at cards, lucky in love

"Oh Molly you’re as slow as molasses," George grumbled as he tugged the horse into her stable.
   "While aren't you a feast for the eyes."  George whipped his head around only to spot the apple of [his] eye.  She was sauntering towards him with her shoulder length brunette locks swaying from side to side.  At this moment, George discovered he was falling head over heels for another man's wife.  "Curley's out for the evenin'," she informed George.  The woman was none other than his boss' son's wife.  George knew he would be in hot water if Curley ever caught wind of what was yet to come, but he was content to take the risk.  She was wearing her little black dress and George thought that she was far hotter than Georgia asphalt.
George was so taken aback by her piercing beauty that he failed to answer her proceeding questions.  She was getting frustrated with his lack of response and decided to give him a taste of [his] own medicine.  George finally spoke up and used the ace up his sleeve.
   "At the drop of a hat, I’d tie the knot with you," revealed George.  "It ain't gonna be no shotgun wedding, because our love is blind an no man is gonna force us into this marriage.  Love conquers all, an we'll live happily ever after," exclaimed George. 
     “Let’s not let this opportunity slip through our fingers,” she giggled and the two of them strolled off into the sunset hand in hand to spend the rest of their lives together.

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