Monday, September 13, 2010

Money does grow on trees

In this overindulged society we live in today money is a sign of power and authority.  The ultimate superpower that I would choose would be the power to produce unlimited money.  Contrary to the cliché that says "money doesn't buy happiness" I feel I could use this power not only to assist myself but also benefit the countless countries overwhelmed by impoverished and uneducated people.  The Haitians struggling to rebuild their lives would be able to breathe easy knowing that the money I produced would be used to help them create a better world for themselves.  Just as the cardboard boxes and building entrances are homes to hundreds of Vancouver citizens who have lost their way throughout the years, my unlimited resources would be used to help all peoples alike. With the money, I would provide, affordable housing would be achievable as well as funding towards education to improve their life circumstances.  Depleted food stocks at local food banks would be ancient history, my monthly abundant grocery donations would make their selves over flowing.  Schools in every country would be flooded with resources and people would learn to help themselves and others. Creating a better world with my superpower one person at a time, would improve life circumstances for all mankind.

1 comment:

  1. Good start, Teghan. Good detail. Mechanics are strong - some proofreading required still. Focus on diction and creative imagery.
